Terrace St in Boston
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Residential Condominium owned by CHAN SAMMY B - 1 TERRACE ST A-2
Residential Condominium owned by LAROSE INIOLA - 1 TERRACE ST A-3
Residential Condominium owned by GOUSBY LINDA D - 1 TERRACE ST A-4
Residential Condominium owned by TSE CHAU MEI - 1 TERRACE ST A-5
Residential Condominium owned by COOPER SANDRA M - 1 TERRACE ST A-6
Residential Condominium owned by SHURBAJI ENTERPRISES LLC - 100 TERRACE ST
Other, Open Space owned by ONE HUNDRED TERRACE STREET - 100 TERRACE ST
Improved Municipal Or Public Safety, Other City Or Town owned by COMMITTEE FOR BOSTON - 100 TERRACE ST 1
Imputed - Commercial owned by BOSTON BUILDING MATERIALS CO - 103 TERRACE ST
Imputed - Commercial owned by TERRACE STREET 103 LLC MASS LLC - 107111 TERRACE ST
Office Building - Part Of Manufacturing Operation owned by ONE 11 TERRACE ST LLC MASS LLC - 110118 TERRACE ST
Auto Repair Facilities owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - 110118 TERRACE ST
Undevelopable Commercial Land owned by BOSTON BUILDING MATERIALS - 123 TERRACE ST
Mixed Use (Primarily Commercial, Some Residential) owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - 124 TERRACE ST
Three-Family Residential owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - 126 TERRACE ST
Three-Family Residential owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - 128R TERRACE ST
Single Family Residential owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - 132 TERRACE ST
Improved Municipal Or Public Safety, Other City Or Town owned by TERRACE BRAVO LLC - 134136 TERRACE ST
Accessory Land With Improvement owned by TERRACE CHARLIE LLC - 151 TERRACE ST
Three-Family Residential owned by MUCCI MAUREEN - 153 TERRACE ST
Developable Commercial Land owned by MUCCI MAUREEN - 154 TERRACE ST
Imputed - Residential owned by PICKLE-DITSON PHASE II LP MASS LP - 156- 168 TERRACE ST
Other, Open Space owned by OLIVER LOFTS TRUST - 156- 168 TERRACE ST
Other Congregate Housing (Includes Non-Transient Shared Living Arrangements) owned by PICKLE-DITSON LP - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 400
Residential Condominium owned by KASZAS HALLIE - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 401
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 402
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 403
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 404
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 405
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFT II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 406
Residential Condominium owned by DUBIEL JOANNA M - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 407
Residential Condominium owned by REYBURN MATTHEW HOWARD - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 408
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 409
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 411
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 412
Residential Condominium owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 414
Residential Condominium owned by TAK YOUNGBIN - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 415
Residential Condominium owned by TAM GEOFFREY JIE - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 416
Residential Condominium owned by NG SIN LEI - 156- 168 TERRACE ST 417
Residential Condominium owned by OATES LEIGH SAUNDERS - 156-168 TERRACE ST 410
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156-168 TERRACE ST 413
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 156-168 TERRACE ST 418
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) owned by OLIVER LOFTS II LLC - 165 TERRACE ST
Imputed - Exempt owned by NEW ENGLAND BAPTIST - 165 TERRACE ST
Warehouses For Storage Of Manufactured Products owned by NEW ENGLAND BAPTIST - 22 TERRACE ST
Auto Repair Facilities owned by CROSSING AUTO BODY CO INC - 30 TERRACE ST
Auto Repair Facilities owned by CROSSING AUTO BODY CO INC - 4042 TERRACE ST
Improved Municipal Or Public Safety, Other City Or Town owned by TERRACE BRAVO LLC - 4147 TERRACE ST
Improved Municipal Or Public Safety, Other City Or Town owned by CITY OF BOSTON BY FCL - 80 TERRACE ST
Single Family Residential owned by TERRACE ALFA LLC - 84 TERRACE ST
Undevelopable Residential Land owned by TERRACE ALFA LLC - 8688 TERRACE ST
Other Storage, Warehouse, And Distribution Facilities (See Also Usecode 401) owned by BOSTON BUILDING MATERIALS - 87 TERRACE ST
Imputed - Industrial owned by LAFOND-LEWIS JAMES A TS - TERRACE ST
Developable Commercial Land owned by PICKLE-DITSON PHASE II LP - TERRACE ST
Undevelopable Residential Land owned by BELLEROSE TERRACE LLC - TERRACE ST
Undevelopable Residential Land owned by OHARA MATTHEW - TERRACE ST
Undevelopable Residential Land owned by OHARA MATTHEW - TERRACE ST
Potentially Developable Commercial Land owned by TERRACE STREET PROPERTIES LLC - TERRACE ST
Potentially Developable Commercial Land owned by CROSSING AUTO BODY CO INC - TERRACE ST
Three-Family Residential owned by SOENDKER & TANG FAMILY TRUST - TERRACE ST